70-411certificationMicrosoftScriptingServer 2012R2Windows

70-411 WDS Capture, Drivers, and PowerShell

Creating a capture image, and adding drivers to WDS. Additionally, install and configure WDS entirely using PowerShell

70-411 WDS Capture, Drivers, and PowerShell by edgoad

PowerShell commands

#Authorize DHCP

#Create DHCP scope
Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -StartRange -EndRange -SubnetMask -Name LAB -State Active

#Install WDS
Install-WindowsFeature -Name WDS -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools

#Configure/authorize WDS
wdsutil /initialize-server /reminst:”c:remoteinstall”
wdsutil /start-server

#Import boot image
Import-WdsBootImage -Path “D:sourcesboot.wim” -NewImageName “Win 2012 R2 boot” -NewDescription “Win 2012 R2” -NewFileName “W2012R2boot.wim”

#New image group
New-WdsInstallImageGroup -Name “Windows Server 2012 R2”

#Import install image
#Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath D:sourcesinstall.wim
Import-WdsInstallImage -Path “D:sourcesinstall.wim” -ImageGroup “Windows Server 2012 R2” -ImageName “Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSTANDARD”

#Import drivers
wdsutil /add-drivergroup /DriverGroup:”VMware Drivers”
Import-WdsDriverPackage -Path “C:Program FilesCommon FilesVMwareDriversvmxnet3vmxnet3ndis6.inf” -Architecture X64 -DisplayName “VMware NIC” -GroupName “VMware Drivers”
Add-WdsDriverPackage -Architecture X64 -ImageName “Win 2012 R2 boot” -Name “VMware NIC”

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